Tandem Touring around T-land

We did it! Yes it was hard, but yes it was fun and yes it was totally worth it!
I bet you want to see some pictures don’t you? I don’t know why I didn’t made this post sooner really. Welcome to our journey:

This is our lovely tandem bike, Daisy. We picked her up off gumtree a few months prior and gave her a beautiful face lift and paint job. Joel spent countless hours fixing up the bike and getting it into tip top condition, its amazing how much work you need to put into a touring machine like this.
And its quite surprising how many people thought it was painted as something other than a cow; such as a Zebra, Giraffe or Dalmatian (alright, I will let you get away with Dalmatian)

^And this is everything we needed for two people on a six week camping trip strapped on! We each had one pannier for clothes, toiletries and personal items on the front and packed T-shirts that we were happy to share. On the back we had two big panniers; one for food and the other for sleeping matts cooking gear, first aid kit and everything else that could fit. On top of that sat our giant double sleeping bag (totally worth the space and weight) and the actual tent. -You might be able to spot a frisbee in there too.
On the front handlebars Joel converted an old camera bag into the perfect removable pouch to store all our valuables and gadgets so we could lock up the bike, grab the front bag and be gone.
Maybe I will write another post about packing and gear, because by gosh there is a technique to it. And during the process I became quite proud of our system.


This is the tandem captain Joel, saying a last goodbye to the mainland.


Breakfast in bed/inflatable sleeping mat. -Not too shabby




This is Adam, and who would have thought we would meet someone accidentally so many times! We ran into him maybe 5 times in different places on our journey, so much that we almost expected to see him wherever we went. It was crazy.
This picture was taken at Falls Festival after all the punters had gone home. Everything the boys were wearing was scavenged from one camp site. We couldn’t believe how much waste everyone left behind -so so so many tents, mattresses, hats (as you can see), food, rubbish, clothes and just stuff. Whyyyy?!




In the picture above you will see me with the cutest wombats I have ever seen. The photo was taken seconds after seeing the allusive Tasmanian Devil on Maria Island. There are no cars on the island so you have to walk or ride around it- Bliss.
And you cant go past miniature ponies without saying hello, right?


What an adventure!
Did you notice that my helmet was made into a duck? I think there is a real market for novelty helmets that could be broken in to. The bill/visor was the best addition for the brutal Tasmania sun, and the googley eyes are just great. Always.

So many photos and stories, so little acceptable page space.
If you have any questions, leave them below. I’d love an excuse to do another blog on our trip.

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